I’m sick of hashimoto’s hair loss! It’s just falling out by the handful! Sound familiar?
Check out my hashimoto’s hair loss tips below and find out more importantly what’s causing it.
It was something I once struggled with too. I’d wash my hair and feel like crying when my hair just came out in my hands, the plug hole would be blocked, as would my hairbrush. I used to have such thick, healthy hair, why was it now so thin and brittle?
This went on for years on and off, I was so tempted to cut it all off! But I knew if I did I’d need to style it and holding a hairdryer above my head caused too much pain, tying it up whilst wet was so much easier.
Its now back to what it used to be; healthy and thick, it actually shines again now and its longer than ever!

Let me tell you exactly how I got my hair back to full health, so you can too.
1. Get your thyroid levels checked, they need to be optimal for you!
2. If your on a T4 only medication and its not working for you speak to your doctor about adding in T3 or an NDT.
3. Get your iron levels checked, they need to be optimal, not just in range.
4. Get your vitamin B12 levels checked, again they need to be optimal not just scraping into range.
If you’ve done all this and still haven’t seen the results you want, don’t despair there is so much more to explore in regards to diet and lifestyle that can get your hair back to its former beauty! A couple of common areas I always explore in clients with hair loss are:
1. Low stomach acid levels – stomach acid is needed to help breakdown and absorb our nutrients. If we aren’t absorbing our nutrients our hair definitely won’t be getting what it needs to be at its best.
2. Sluggish liver function – this can be partly due to low stomach acid or eating foods you’re intolerant to, or just a poor diet. This will mean we can’t detox efficiently so toxins will build up, this requires extra nutrients will be needed to deal with this, robbing you of even more nutrients for things like hair growth as your body will always prioritise detox over hair growth.
3. Hormone imbalance – often caused by points 1 & 2. We need fat soluble vitamins to make hormones, if we’re struggling to absorb these then we can’t make sufficient hormones. Hormones also need to be detoxed by the liver once they’ve served their purpose, if its busy dealing with toxins it can’t do this effectively. This causes certain hormones to build up a dominance, which we don’t want and will certainly affect things such as hair growth.
So what can you do to improve stomach acid levels, liver function and hormone balance?
Tips to improve low stomach:
- sit down to eat your meals (not at your desk, or on the go)
- take your time
- chew thoroughly (20 -30 times per mouthful)
- limit distractions when eating
- take 5 – 6 big deep belly breaths before each meal to lower stress levels, as stress shuts down digestion
- drink water with a spoonful of apple cider vinegar 20 minutes before eating
Tips to improve liver function & balance hormones:
- eat plenty of green vegetables
- eat plenty of bright coloured berries
- include plenty of beetroot and radishes in your diet
- start each meal with a small salad using bitter greens such as rocket, radicchio, endive, etc.
- drink plenty of fluids
- drink herbal teas containing bitter herbs such as dandelion 20 minutes before meals
- limit sugary foods, white refined carbohydrates and processed foods
- manage your stress levels
- get good sleep
- Ditch the toxic hair and skincare products
I love the tropic skincare range, especially their hair conditioner!
If you want to know more about my hashimoto’s hair loss tips and what you can do to prevent it, get in touch below to arrange a free health discovery call to find out how my hashimoto’s healing programme can help you regain your beautiful mane once more.